Republic Commando von Karen Traviss

Highlights der Epoche
- Geburt des Auserwählten der die Macht wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringen soll (41 v.Y)
- Blockade von Naboo und Auftakt für die Klonkriege (32 v.Y.)
- Extragalaktisches Flugprojekt (27 v.Y.)
- Klonkriege (22 v.Y. - 19 v.Y.)
- Niedergang der alten Republik, Auslöschung der Jedi (Order 66), Aufstieg des Imperiums (19 v.Y.)
Solomon Tholme
Beiträge: 413
Registriert: 09.02.2005, 20:30
Wohnort: Köln/Drankonia(Naboo)

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Solomon Tholme »

Japp auf das neue bin ich auch mal gespannt.

Aber woher weisst du denn das es ihre letzten SW bücher werden?
„Zur Summe meines Lebens gehört im Übrigen, dass es Ausweglosigkeit nicht gibt.“ - Willy Brandt
Kay Jun

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Kay Jun »

Weil sie es auf ihre Homepage bekannt gab. In der zweiten Staffel von The Clone Wares wird irgendetwas mit ihren STorys wiedersprechen und deswegen hört sie in SW auf. Sie beendet noch die beiden Imperial Commandos und dann wars das. Damit ist das lange angekündiget Boba fett Buch von ihr gecancelt.
Solomon Tholme
Beiträge: 413
Registriert: 09.02.2005, 20:30
Wohnort: Köln/Drankonia(Naboo)

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Solomon Tholme »

sei doch so nett und gib mir mal bitte den Link dazu .
„Zur Summe meines Lebens gehört im Übrigen, dass es Ausweglosigkeit nicht gibt.“ - Willy Brandt
Kay Jun

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Kay Jun »

August 08, 2009
End of one era, start of another...
It's been a hectic year so far here at the Traviss word factory, but you've probably already worked that out from my very infrequent blogs. Sorry about that. I do, however, have a good excuse; I've been working on lots of new stuff.

That sounds cryptic, I know, but the nature of this business is that you can't always say what you're working on for commercial confidentiality reasons. For example, it'll be nearly a year before one of my current gigs goes public. Until then, I'll just have to jump up and down on my seat in stifled glee. I break a lot of office chairs that way.

Anyway, let me get to the point of this blog. I've been receiving mail from Star Wars fans who have bought the new visual guide to the second season of the Clone Wars TV cartoon, and have been perplexed by detail in it. They've noticed changes in canon. They're mailing me to ask what's going on because it appears to affect areas that my novels deal with. I admit I didn't know there was a guide coming out this early, let alone what would be revealed in it. But now that it has, and you're asking me what's happened, it would be naive to stall you when you have the book in front in you, and pretty rude to ignore you.

I can't discuss the canon issues because of the standard non-disclosure agreement that all writers sign. I'm not even going to discuss the ones that are public now, and I know little of the full detail anyway. So please don't ask me. All I can say is that I was given enough of the detail in January to realise that changes in continuity were such that I wouldn't be able to carry on as originally planned with the storylines you were expecting to see continued in my books. It would have required a lot more than routine retcon.

The only solution I could think of that could accommodate the changes was a complete reboot, and I seriously considered doing that. But starting over, when I had so many other books on my plate? The knock-on effect on my other work was a problem, because most of my income doesn't come from Star Wars. And then there was the risk of alienating readers. Pulling the rug from under them after so many books - that wouldn't go down well, and "I was only following orders" doesn't appease anybody these days.

The canon is beyond my control, because that's the very nature of tie-in work. But that still left me with some personal choices I had to make. I could try to make the retcons. Or I could switch to different SW books that weren't affected by these changes. Or I could decide to call it a day - I had a great run, but I had an increasing amount of non-SW work to get on with that was more important to my business.

In the end, the only rational decision I could take was to make Imperial Commando #2 my last book for Star Wars. I'm sorry I had to do that, and it wasn't a decision I took lightly or even quickly, so bear with me while I explain.

Obviously, in business, there are always multiple reasons behind any decision. Some of my influencing factors were business ones about contractual matters, but that's dull and of no interest to the customer. Let's stick to what concerns you, which is the story.

Rather than switch to vastly altered storylines in which many of the characters whose lives you've been following for the last five years wouldn't exist, or move across to other SW areas, I decided this was a natural point at which to make the break. I've never given up on anything easily, and I knew it would disappoint my readers, so you can rest assured that I spent a lot of time trying to find ways to make the canon work in the longer term. But it's a circle I can't square. Maybe someone else can, but I can't. My specialty - what companies hire me for - is to create substantial military/political series with long character arcs in an increasingly detailed world. That kind of product doesn't lend itself to quick fixes or radical changes mid-stream.

My business needs to be planned several years ahead, and I allow for a degree of unexpected change. When I'm offered a project, I have to ask myself not only if it excites and inspires me, and if the team is solid, but also whether it makes economic sense, and what impact it'll have on the rest of my work portfolio. It has to tick all the boxes. I work for a number of publishers on different franchises, as well as on my creator-owned fiction, so there's a limit to how much uncertainty and change my schedule can accommodate before other projects start to suffer from the knock-on effect.

So I'm now concentrating my focus on my work for other franchises and my own new military series. Many of you already realise that I'm heavily committed to Gears of War (why yes, I am the Chainsaw Queen, thank you for noticing...) and I'm also working on other games tie-ins. And then I have at least two original series that have slipped behind in my schedule and need attention pretty fast. And then there's....well, you get the idea. You'll guess that I'm not planning any vacations for the next few years.

Some changes we choose. But some happen to us and have to be faced head-on. Tie-in work is, by its very nature, subject to a lot more unexpected change than other writing - it's someone else's copyright, and the writer has to live with that. It goes with the territory. That's why professional tie-in writers don't get emotionally attached to what they're working on. It's not that I take the task casually; but it's not my property, and the stewardship of it is always temporary. A pro has to be able to shrug, move on, and say: "Okay, nobody died, and the cheque didn't bounce - result! Next?"

But as a writer, I have a moral deal with you, the reader - if I hook you with a story, my part of the deal is to follow through and give you a satisfying outcome. If changes beyond my control mean I can't give you that, then I won't do a half a job. You deserve better than that. And in five, ten, twenty years time, nobody picking up the books will know that the stories suddenly changed direction because the canon changed in the middle of it. They'll just see books that went off-course for no visible reason and didn't deliver what they promised at the start.

You've been generous and loyal readers, and made my books best sellers, and I'm truly grateful for your support. The wonderful mail you send me is always appreciated, frequently funny, and often very moving, sometimes painfully so. That kindness and candour has meant a great deal to me. Many of you have become my good personal friends, too. Obviously you'll still see plenty of me in bookstores (and other fine retail establishments...) in the months and years ahead, but it'll be other Traviss tales.

So stick with me on my continuing journey in other universes, both tie-in and creator-owned, and I can guarantee you an action-packed ride with plenty of characters to get absorbed in.
Solomon Tholme
Beiträge: 413
Registriert: 09.02.2005, 20:30
Wohnort: Köln/Drankonia(Naboo)

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Solomon Tholme »

Nochmal einen verspäteten dank an dich Kay für diese Infos.

Nun wie es aussieht ist die Republik Commando serie damit wohl gegessen.
Schade mir hat der Humor in den Bücher sehr gut gefallen , aber vielleicht kommt da ja doch noch was.

Abwarten. Ich hoffe weiter und freue mich auf den neuen Teil.
„Zur Summe meines Lebens gehört im Übrigen, dass es Ausweglosigkeit nicht gibt.“ - Willy Brandt
Kay Jun

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Kay Jun »

Wollte nur die neusten Infos mitteilen. Nahcdem imperial Commando I erschien gab Traviss auf ihrer Inetrnetseite bekannt das sie Band II nicht zuende führen wird. Da ich nicht denke das ein anderer Autor weiterschreiben wird und die nun offene Geschichte abschliessß war es das wohl.

"But today I'm reacting, because somebody blurted out something on a forum, and the rumours started. Yes, for once a rumour is actually true; I've withdrawn from the sequel to Imperial Commando 501st, which was going to be my final Star Wars novel. I had issues over contractual matters and working practices that still showed no signs of being resolvable after a couple of years, so I told the publisher that I would not be doing the book."
Solomon Tholme
Beiträge: 413
Registriert: 09.02.2005, 20:30
Wohnort: Köln/Drankonia(Naboo)

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Solomon Tholme »

mal gucken....

Ich hab IC jetzt gut zur Hälfte durch und es ist ales in allem total genial .

Echt Fett, bin mal auf das Ende gespannt
„Zur Summe meines Lebens gehört im Übrigen, dass es Ausweglosigkeit nicht gibt.“ - Willy Brandt
Kay Jun

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Kay Jun »

DelRay gibt bekannt das die Reihe wohl durch einen anderen Autoren beendet werden soll. Auch ist das zweite Buch bei Amazon noch bestellbar. Welcher Autor das sein soll wurde noch nicht bekannt gegeben.
Ore-Kim Sga

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Ore-Kim Sga »

ich finde es sehr schade, das jetzt zu hören...ich bin doch sehr spät zu dieser reihe gekommen, bzw konnte mich erst sehr spät dazu durchringen diese zu lesen!! hätte nicht damit gerechnet, dass mich die geschichte so fesselt...und ich kann mich mittlerweile schwer mit dem gedanken anfreunden, dass es zu ende gehen soll!!
Arli Jin-Mukan
Beiträge: 691
Registriert: 15.05.2009, 20:08
Wohnort: Qiilura/Marktheidenfeld

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Arli Jin-Mukan »

Erstaml bin ich ein großer fan der reihe

zweitens finde ich es sehr schade das es wohl doch keine Bücher mehr geben wird
Möge die Macht mit euch sein!

Mentor von Maira Tachi
Meister von Meira Ilvane
Arli Jin-Mukan
Beiträge: 691
Registriert: 15.05.2009, 20:08
Wohnort: Qiilura/Marktheidenfeld

Re: Republic Commando

Beitrag von Arli Jin-Mukan »

habe da was gefunden und frage mich ob es nur wieder da steht und es doch dann nicht geben wird

Star Wars 83. Imperial Commando II

was hat es da auf sich
Möge die Macht mit euch sein!

Mentor von Maira Tachi
Meister von Meira Ilvane